Sunday 23 May 2010

The New Prince's of Asia

Today, we will feature the most powerful and richest of the next generation in Asia.

For many of listed here, many have old family businesses with a long history that stretch across various industries and across the globe For the heirs to the political dynasties, the influence which they have on today’s governments are akin to what the power which their forefathers had on the political and legislative landscape and cannot be trifled with and underestimated.

Like their elders who were or are are today's pillars of society, the influence that these young men will have on the development in Asia will undoubtedly rise with age. The connections and the way in which all of them are inextricably linked in one way or another is astounding which further proves that the "old boys club" never went away and is in fact stronger than ever before.

It is thus also not surprising to find that many of them are quite frequently business associates with one another but many have become close friends with one another. Asia is growing in strength with each passing day and these men are the new Princes of Asia.